This letter serves as an invitation to participate in a research study conducted by Clinical and Translation Science Institute at Wake Forest School of Medicine. Mr. Brian Moore is the principal investigator.

The purpose of the study is to better understand the time and resources that IRBs devoted to preparing for the 2018 Common Rule.

Participating in this study is completely voluntary and will involve taking a short (approximately 5 minute) survey, which will ask for your opinions about your personal and your IRB's experience in preparing for the 2018 Common Rule. All individual responses will be anonymous and kept confidential. Only aggregate results will be reported. The results from the survey may help improve processes and help other institutions plan for the next scheduled release in July 2018.

Please feel free to forward this invitation to another colleague at your IRB, if s/he is more familiar with IRB preparations of the 2018 Common Rule.

Payment is not available for the completion of this survey.

Completion of the survey implies your agreement to participate in the project.

Questions can be directed to the Wake Forest IRB office at 336-716-4542 or the PI at

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