Please complete the survey below at least 30 days before you plan to leave Wake Forest.

This brief form is intended to assist faculty who are leaving or retiring from a primary appointment at Wake Forest School of Medicine. Submitting the completed form automatically notifies the relevant administrative departments of your upcoming change so that all research-related transition processes may be handled in as smooth and as prompt a manner as possible. Please find additional information about the transfer process on the CTSI website.

When you have submitted the below form a checklist of departments and administrative staff members will be emailed to you, your Chairperson, and your Department Contact. You will need to speak to the individuals on this list about your transition.

Returning to the Survey

To save your answers and complete the form at another time, select "Save & Return Later" at the bottom of this page. Make sure to save the code that is provided. If you are returning to continue taking a survey that you started previously, please select "Returning" in the upper right corner and enter the code that was provided.


If you have technical questions about how to complete this form, please contact Debbie Sanabri

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